************************************************************ Product: Mel's Mountain Vistas Copyright 2015 By: Melissa Krauss ************************************************************ Thank you for purchasing "Mel's Mountain Vistas". ___________________________ Mel's Mountain Vistas There are 8 backgrounds of majestic mountains with matching lights in HDr and IBL format. Just load a background, and add the matching lights for a beautiful render! Created from custom made light globes, they are presented in IBL and HDR format for Poser 6 and up. 16 IBL Light options with and without Ambient Occlusion for Poser 6 and up 16 HDR Light options with and without Ambient Occlusion for Poser 7 and up All lights are set to ray trace during the render process. Experienced Poser users can modify the HDR lights for use with Poser IDL renders. Lights will not look the same on all surfaces and textures. Adjustments might need to be made for extreme camera positions or angles. These lights were not made for Daz Studio and have not been tested in it. Daz Studio is not supported with these lights. They will most likely work with some adjustments, but I will not gurantee they will work in DS. -------------------------------------- TOU You may not use any part of the materials in this pack on the web for any kind of sale for commercial profit. You may not post these lights for sale or give them away anywhere. You may not alter these lights and then try to claim them as your own work. -------------------------------------- System Requirements: Poser 6 and up required. Lights not tested in Daz Studio nor is Daz Studio supported. -------------------------------------- Ownership Statement: All of this product's content was created by Melissa Krauss. -------------------------------------- Installation Instructions: Run Winzip or another Zip-program into your directory of choice. All files will be placed as shown below from the "Files Included" list. If you don't have Winzip, you can get it for free from www.winzip.com -------------------------------------- Files Included in the Product: :runtime:Textures:MelsMtnVistas melsmtnvista1hdr.hdr melsmtnvista1ibl.jpg melsmtnvista2hdr.hdr melsmtnvista2ibl.jpg melsmtnvista3hdr.hdr melsmtnvista3ibl.jpg melsmtnvista4hdr.hdr melsmtnvista4ibl.jpg melsmtnvista5hdr.hdr melsmtnvista5ibl.jpg melsmtnvista6hdr.hdr melsmtnvista6ibl.jpg melsmtnvista7hdr.hdr melsmtnvista7ibl.jpg melsmtnvista8hdr.hdr melsmtnvista8ibl.jpg :runtime:Textures:MelsMtnVistas:MelsMountainVistas mmv1bg.jpg mmv2bg.jpg mmv3bg.jpg mmv4bg.jpg mmv5bg.jpg mmv6bg.jpg mmv7bg.jpg mmv8bg.jpg :runtime:libraries:light :runtime:libraries:light:MelsMountainLights:HDR MMVHDR1.lt2 MMVHDR1.png MMVHDR2.lt2 MMVHDR2.png MMVHDR3.lt2 MMVHDR3.png MMVHDR4.lt2 MMVHDR4.png MMVHDR5.lt2 MMVHDR5.png MMVHDR6.lt2 MMVHDR6.png MMVHDR7.lt2 MMVHDR7.png MMVHDR8.lt2 MMVHDR8.png MMVHDRAO1.lt2 MMVHDRAO1.png MMVHDRAO2.lt2 MMVHDRAO2.png MMVHDRAO3.lt2 MMVHDRAO3.png MMVHDRAO4.lt2 MMVHDRAO4.png MMVHDRAO5.lt2 MMVHDRAO5.png MMVHDRAO6.lt2 MMVHDRAO6.png MMVHDRAO7.lt2 MMVHDRAO7.png MMVHDRAO8.lt2 MMVHDRAO8.png :runtime:libraries:light:MelsMountainLights:IBL MMVIBL1.lt2 MMVIBL1.png MMVIBL2.lt2 MMVIBL2.png MMVIBL3.lt2 MMVIBL3.png MMVIBL4.lt2 MMVIBL4.png MMVIBL5.lt2 MMVIBL5.png MMVIBL6.lt2 MMVIBL6.png MMVIBL7.lt2 MMVIBL7.png MMVIBL8.lt2 MMVIBL8.png MMVIBLAO1.lt2 MMVIBLAO1.png MMVIBLAO2.lt2 MMVIBLAO2.png MMVIBLAO3.lt2 MMVIBLAO3.png MMVIBLAO4.lt2 MMVIBLAO4.png MMVIBLAO5.lt2 MMVIBLAO5.png MMVIBLAO6.lt2 MMVIBLAO6.png MMVIBLAO7.lt2 MMVIBLAO7.png MMVIBLAO8.lt2 MMVIBLAO8.png C:/runtime/Documentation bg_lightbndl_tos.txt MelsMtnVistasreadme.txt